How Do I Stop Someone From Sending Spam Mail To My Contacts From My Email Account

Someone is using my mail account and contact list to send out emails as shown below. How do I stop this?

Get Malwarebytes. Its a free download,use it and then do a full scan.Change your password from a different computer and don't log on to that again until the scan is done and the virus is deleted

My Yahoo email account sent spam emails to all my Contacts List.?

On 11/13, I opened a brief “Hello-subject email from a friend, containing a message to ”Take a Look” at a link for a “Career” article, although that went to an obvious spam website for an internet affiliates program.

THEN, on 11/16 Friday-Saturday overnight, my Yahoo email SENT out this same email to all my Contacts list.

All my sent emails were listed in my Sent Folder.
It is puzzling that it did take a few day before these emails were sent.
Some were returned to my Inbox as non-deliverable/rejected by recipient.

*Can you tell me how the malware got into my Address Book, to generated these emails?
*Did the malware compromise just my Yahoo email, or also my PC computer?

I did get negative results on manual virus scans I ran on my PC, using Malwarebytes and others. My Norton 2012 Internet Security program did not catch the original email or website.

I have sinced changed my email password. I checked all my settings, as recommended on your Help page, and saw no changes. No further outgoing emails have been generated.

How do I stop Feedspot from sending me emails on my Gmail account?

I believe Mohsin Martin response does work.My father just signed up for feedspot and he has also fallen victim to their "spam all your followers friends and connections" scheme. Feedspot just spammed all of his contacts. I think everyone of us closing our accounts is one way to do this but I also believe that internet is ours and its our job to clean our internet from jerks like these. As this is a serious violation of privacy policy, I suggest that till feedspot puts up some kind of warning that it will mail all our contacts, we have to find a way to mark them as ban so that no other person will fall victim to these contact stealers. Write some mails to make sure none of the others sign up until they have gone out of business.Please feel free to drop in your ideas.Thanks for considering my reply.

Someone entered my email account and sending spam to contacts. How did this happen & What should I do?

This happened to me too. I don't know how it happened, but my email provider suggested that I change my password. It seems to have worked.

What should I do if someone is sending spam emails from my account?

Unfortunately, Juergen is right: You're getting a variant of "Joe Jobbed," (, which remains possible because few consumer email domains enforce sender authentication (eg through DMARC policy). Yahoo and AOL do, so on those domains this shouldn't be occurring, but the other large providers have not, as of this date, deployed similar protections.Fortunately, this sort of attack is usually limited to a single campaign, and will end shortly. You can often filter the bounce messages so they at least don't bother you. I wouldn't recommend alerting your contacts unnecessarily; it's likely just to create additional confusion.

Why do I get spam emails from my contacts with a different email address? How do spammers know the names of my contacts?

Chances are your contact has been breached at some point and their address book was taken with your address in it. Now spam is being sent to you by a recognized name, but a different email address, in hopes you’ll think your contact sent it to you and you’ll open the message. The goal could be installing ransomware or phishing your login details to access your account or other sensitive information.The reason you’ll see a different email address is that many large ISPs and companies have started authenticating the emails that originate from their networks. This is attempting to stop spoofing of their accounts in a way that the receiving network can validate if the message is legitimate.

Someone/yahoo; is sending out spam emails to everyone on my contact list even sent one to me from me.?

Do you see the messages in your Sent-folder ?

If not, your adress is spoofed (forged) by a person / botnet for sending out spam mails.
It is not really complicated to do so, spammers are using valid email addresses to get their spam into the mailboxes.

For instance I receive viagra-mails with my senders name, and nobody else did ever log into my mailbox. Somehow my address came on a spammerslist, and after a while I did not only get this spam with senders name like but also with my own address as sender.

This has spooked me in the beginning, but now - I don't think there is anything You / I can do against.
And - we are not the only people to experience this abuse of emails.

Or - Your account has been compromised - change your password to a strong one, something like U3v%Dc2j&jp or Wysnmwysfmwi64

- It could be a trojan/virus on your computer.

Do a virus-check, also use an trojan-remover, trojan remover , anti rootkit etc are terms for your search.


I set up Yahoo email on my iPad and now someone is sending spam with my name. What can I do?

1. Change your password!!!!!! While at it, also update your security questions and make your secondary email contact other than Yahoo/Hotmail-> use Google's gmail. When you change your password, Yahoo/Hotmail re-encrypts your session cookie based off that new password. Since the hackers still have your old cookie and with your password not changed, they still can send out emails without you knowing.

2. Do not click on emails that you do not know or go to websites that have these scripts that will steal your current cookies to access your accounts. How do you know if they have these scripts? You don't. That's why you don't open them. If you do click on them, you will need to change your password again.

3. Do a virus scan just in case but most likely they will NOT show up since it is NOT a worm/virus for your case. But, do a scan just in case to eliminate that possibility.

4. You can try to contact Yahoo/Hotmail, but like many have said, they won't do anything.

5. Always log out of your email when finished and never click on "Keep me logged in" check box to clear out the cookie

6. Make it a habit to CLEAN out your web browser cookies, since ANY site can have these security exploits without you knowing!!!!!

7. Export your contact list as a backup since some hackers are getting bolder and will delete all of them.

I did all these steps above and the emails have stop going out.

To Yahoo/Hotmail engineers/staff reading this: You should consider encrypting the current IP address within the cookie to ensure that whoever is using it, IS AT the current IP address and if not have the person re-log in with their ID and password to gain access.