How Do You Know When A Cut Or Pimple Will Scar

Can you cut off a pimple with scissors?

First of all, that would hurt really bad. Cutting off a pimple is a very bad idea. You are supposed to wait a day or two until the pimple is ready to be popped. You will know when it reaches it's fullest size, and it will have a white head. They say popping it will leave a scar, but it doesn't. That's how you get rid of them. Put your two pointer fingers on the sides of the pimple, and squeeze. The white puss will come out, make sure you get it all. And the pimple should go away within that day. Do not cut it off, it could get infected and it will definitely leave a scar. Nose zits are horrible, I'm sorry!!

Picked pimple scab. Will it scar?

Now it's this red area on my nose. It's exposed/hurts when anything is applied to it or when you touch it. It's open cut. I mean, it's not bleeding. It's pinkness. Almost like when you scrape your knee from falling off a bike.

Do you think this'll scar? Since it's still tender/painful does that mean it's still a regular "wound" and I'm able to still prevent it from scarring?
I don't wanna walk around forever with a huge scar on my nose :[

Pimples can they leave scars?

When you tamper with pimples or treat it wrongly, they can leave scars that will be very difficult to get rid of. Normally our skin has several layers and they keep dropping off layer by layer, constantly bringing up new layer of skin. and there is plenty of chances to get back your clean skin without any blemish. But if you scratch or keep meddling with pimples with your nails, you may be inviting deeper problem. You may also make it a bad pimple by continuing to eat the same way as you are used to,

There are ways to deal with pimples problem that can leave your skin with no scars. That way is to deal with the cause. Eat a bowl of raw vegetable salads without salt, lime or dressing daily as one separate meal.
Arun Sharma

How come my pimples always scar even when I don't touch them?

The best way of treating your pimples and avoid scaring is to dry your pimples out.The best way to dry out a pimple is to use salt in water.It’s simple, put some salt in luke warm water and massage it into your spots gently. Do this 3 times a day and your acne will be cleared up sooner, preventing scars.BUT…Scars could still appear and they could become permanent. There’s nothing you can do about that, that’s just the way our skin is. The best thing to do is to treat the scar as soon as possible or else it could get worse.There are many DIY methods you can try like putting aloe vera on your scar but the problem is, these DIY methods for scaring can take a long time to actually heal the scar.You need a fast working home treatment.For this, I and many others would recommend a premium scar cream. The scar cream must have crucial ingredients like shea butter, onion extract and seed oil.Now imagine all these natural ingredients and more, combined into one tub. Well that’s exactly what the revitol scar cream does. It takes the most powerful ingredients that mother nature has to offer and combines them into one powerful scar removal cream.You can read more about what others are saying about this fast home working scar cream: Revitol Scar Cream Review - Shocking Truth | DissolveScars

Scab fell off of a pimple now looks like a scar?? please answer ASAP!!?

Why was there a scab there in the first place? Have you been picking?

Just letting pimples come and go on their own is usually the best way to avoid scarring. If it truly is a scar it will lessen over time due to the loss of skin cells.

I don't know if it applies to scars from pimples, but for cuts I know it's best to keep the area moist though you may not want a moist spot on your face all day.

What will happen if I don't pop my pimple? Will it just go away or will it make scars?

If the pimple is red and has pus , it will eventually dry up and go away. This will happen faster if you apply a topical agent that will dry up the pimple such as salicylic acid, sulphur, or Benzoyl Peroxide.If it is a flesh colored bump, you will need a glycolic based product.If you do not pick at them, they typically won’t scar. However, some people are more prone to scarring, so they may still experience a light scar after the pjmple has healed.If you would like to know how to lighten acne scars, please watch this short video.If you would like to know how to treat break outs, here is a short video on how to treat bumps on your face.Thank you for requesting an answer.

How do you treat a bleeding pimple to avoid scarring?

Don't make it bleed in the first place. Seriously. If it is bleeding, you either squeezed it or picked it. If you squeezed it, you probably ruptured and/or traumatized the pore beneath the skin, which is what causes craters. If you picked it...well it's not really necessary to explain how picking at a scab increases the chance of scarring, is it?Let's just assume that just like every guy I know, you have already ignored  this advice and your pimple is already bleeding. Wet healing can be up to 70% faster than dry healing, so if the pimple is anywhere but your face your best bet is to put neosporin/bacitracin ointment in it and cover it with a band aid for the first day and occasional mild cortisone on it after that. Same advice for the face but you will probably want to skip the band aid.