What Is My Issue With This Guy Mature/intuitive Answers

Have you ever had an experience where your intuition was completely wrong?

Yes. When I was 12 and in 7th grade, I met a man who was a family friend and high school teacher. He seemed kind, funny and was just generally fun to be around as he was more down to earth than my parents were, despite being the same age. We worked together in a community organization that my parents belonged to and grew close.What I didn’t understand at the time, was that this man was slowly grooming me - and my family - over years. He worked slowly to increase my dependence on him and drive a wedge between me and my parents. When he had alienated me from my remaining friends, he moved on to sexually molesting me for nearly a year.My parents moved our family out of the school district, to a city an hour away the summer after my sophomore year of high school and I tried to have a “normal” teenage life. However, this teacher began stalking me - following my same-age boyfriend places, showing up at every job I had, my school, my college, etc. Finally, shortly before I turned 20, I worked up the courage to tell my parents and the police. I testified against him in court and won my restraining order, which ended the abuse.In the end, I fought for another 8 years for any sort of justice. He reached an agreement with the DA to resign/retire in exchange for not being prosecuted for his crimes. At the time it felt like a victory, to know he was out of the classroom and unable to molest other students. However, now 25 years later, I feel like I deserved me. Certainly the 15-year-old me did.

Would a Pisces/Aries Cusp Guy Be Mature?


He will be a very deep and loving person, very romantic and sexual...but...

he will have the dread aries tendency to b extremely immature, and alas, self destructive.

Aries cheats..they will,
and do
have multiple partners and Love relationships in their lives\. They are very attractive to the opposite sex, and r attracted to the opposite sex and VARIETY.
Coupled with Pisces's self sabotaging ways, its a hard cusp to deal with romantically.

on the upside Aries is good looking, and very affectionate and romantic, they just dont stay long, and they dont know what they want.
They get bored easy.
They also, like to b alone. also their are some major insecurity issues here.
Because Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, there is a charming, and distinctictly playful and childlike way to them, albeit fooish at times, but very exciting and fun.

#2 Pisces:
is sensitive, and extremely artistic and passionate. They are intuitive, but they can b attracted to drugs, sex, and other addictions. They are caring, and they cant stand to be alone. They are also very spiritual, but they can tend towards the dark side of things, and emotions aswell. Id say they are more in touch than any other sign in the zodiac to things unseen, and the mysteries. This is a deep sign, and they are the last sign in the zodiac
. So, to me , this the most intense cusp in the whole zodiac

Taurus can be compatiple, i have to know his palnets exactly

How would you know if a guy is matured enough esp in relationships?

if he knows how to give a woman respect, generous and everybody..unselfish,then I think a man is mature enough...someone who can handle a relationship... coz you know there are guys who do not consider lot of things in entering relationship,,those,i think are the immature person..that only care for himself and for his love...

When do men fully mature?

Being "real"...I'm 38 and I cannot say I matured until about 35..but I'm also a single Dad. But "real" mature it's 35. It's a fact!! At this age we are in tune with who we are and what we want(for sure) and we also know how to keep our mouth shut and when to open it as well. We also know how to be tender, and tough when need be. We also take pride in making a woman "feel" like a woman. (If you know what I mean)

With a Man...does Anger usually equal Guilt ??? ( he is 10 years younger than me)?

Anger shows not only a sign of guilt but immaturity. Toss this kid back and get a man.

Can anyone help me interpret this celtic cross tarot spread?

I think I would need to know the exact question pertaining to this guy, first. This reading has quite a lot of ambiguities.

Okey-dokey, I work a lot on intuition, so sometimes my reading of a card won't match up with tradition, just to warn you before time:
Queen of Swords: A strong woman who takes action. She knows where she is going.
King of Cups: What challenges you is your feelings for this guy. This King is emotinally mature, and intuitive. Though he may be indecisive in other matters.
Together these two monarchs show that you have both matured, but perhaps into opposite directions.
Strength: You worked quite diligently on this relationship. Or he did. Either way, one of you used a lot of willpower to make things happen.
Fool: And there were some grand, yet naive hopes for the relationship.
Seven of Cups: Now you will be presented with a choice of many things that look good - either within the relationship, or the relationship is only one of those options. But you must be wary: your choice could lead to suffering, regardless of how good it looks, so choose wisely.
Nine of Pentacles: Choosing wisely will lead to great satisfaction and success.

Nine of Swords: You have a lot of fears, regarding where this relationship will go. But for now they are only phantom fears: baseless.
Knight of Cups: This guy is persistent. He's charming. You're thinking, maybe even subconscously, that he is too charming. Maybe even too good to be true. It seems that your inability to see eye-to-eye is keeping you from seeing what a great guy he is. Or mistrusting his motives, because they may not seem genuine to your way of thinking.
Page of Pentacles: There is some goal of yours that you hape will manifest, and it has nothing to do with romance. Could this be drawing your attention away from him?
Two of Wands: You've got some big plans cooking. While the cards do not definitely say that you should end the relationship or not, the choice you need to make regarding that relationship will affect your future plans.

I hope this helped. I'm not terribly good at large general questions, unless I know the situation well. :)