Why Do I Have A Fever

Why do i get horny when i have a fever?

I just started getting a fever about 3 hrs ago and now i am really horny. this isnt the first time though. I had broncitis, laringitis, and a upper respatory infection and all the 2 days before that when i had the fever i was realy horny. Am i just weird or is my body calling out, kinda like cravings when you are low in iron or something?

Why do women get baby fever?

When I first got married, I didn't want to have a kid at all! Nothing has changed in my relationship. I'm happy and enjoying life. But suddenly I feel like I HAVE to have a baby. It's almost a physical need like food!
It seems like everyon in my community is also either pregnant or trying to get pregnant. They all seem to be the same.
Why is that?

Why do we get fever?

Fever is basically a defensive reaction in case of infection . Whenever White blood cells encounter any harmful micro- organism in body they release protein called Pyrogen . These chemicals are then carried by the blood to a part of brain known as hypothalamus, which regulates body temperature along with many other tasks like, controlling hunger, thirst and sleep etc. Pyrogens inhibit heat-sensing neurons & excite cold -sensing ones . This make the hypothalamus think the body is cooler than it actually is.In response to this illusion hypothalamus sets a temperature which is higher than normal.The blood vessels of skin constriction to increase blood supply to the vital organs .This reduces heat loss through skin & cause the person to feel cold. If it is insufficient to make temperature match the new set point then shivering begins to use muscle movement for production of heat .Once the War between white blood cells and infectious foreign cells is over, the body comes back to its normal temperature by sweating .You can understand it better from-For those who understand Hindi-Subtitles are also avilable.

Im 15 and have baby fever?

everyone has baby fever at some time in a relationship just because some people feel like a baby can bring the relationship closer but sweetie im going to be completely honest you need to thing about the reprecussions of what having a baby at this age will do. you are only 15 and have so much ahead of you. if you have a baby you would have to stop school or it would be a lot harder to do school. some ways to get rid of baby fever is to surround yourself with the negatives of having a baby
1. find a video of hyenas crying and play from 1 am - 5 am... thats what babies do
2. look at your bank account... now empty it thats what would happen
3. when you go to the bathroom, that will be everywhere and you will have to clean it up
4. make a list of dreams that you want to accomplish in your life: vacations, things you want to do/see. with a baby you can't do that for a while

I understand baby fever. Babies are bundles of joy... that cry steal your money, your dreams, and you sleep time. they poop and take up so much time. i promise you need to thing about eveything a baby comes with. it is a hard job. you're only 15 and have so much time ahead of you to have a baby!

Can plants have fevers?

Not in the same sense that animals would have a fever - for us, a fever is the body's defense to try and kill a pathogen by raising the temperature to a point where the proteins aren't able to function correctly.

But members of the plant familiy Araceae are able to increase the internal temperature of their flowers. Last I heard, there was no definitive reason for why they do this, but some hypotheses include to keep pollen dry (plants are generally tropical or subtropical in areas of high humidity, but also includes skunk cabbage, which can bloom when there's snow on the ground), to provide warmth for pollinators (this makes sense for the skunk cabbage, but not so much for tropical memebrs of the group), and to increase the odor the flowers produce to attract pollinators (the scent might be more intense or travel farther outside the flower in the warmth and temperature differential). At any rate, it works for these plants.

A couple of websites where you can read more about this - many are PDF files, so I can't link these directly, but you can access them from the results of this web search:

Why do I have weird dreams when I have a fever, or when my room is too hot?

I know my answer is a little late but a fever can increase the electrical activity in the brain creating more vivid and weirder dreams. A fever can also cause the brain to create abnormalities in electrical activities causing 'febrile seizures' which are rarer for adults and more common in children. Febrile seizures are harmless but can be scary for the victim and relatives who may be caring for he/she.  This happens because your body temperature rises affecting your brain as your brain cannot function properly when its over heated. Think of it like your pc at home; when it gets a bit too warm it starts to run slower and glitch, that's exactly what happens to your brain.