Will Taking 2 10mg Citalopram Celexa Hurt

Will taking 2 10mg Citalopram (Celexa) hurt?

Then speak to your counselor.
No one here should ever be prescribing drugs or telling you how to use them- and you need expert advice from your OWN caregiver. Call them before you change anything about your medication- even if it seems obvious.

On another note, you probably don't want to post a statement about any f your medical issues along with your picture online. Someday, this could be found by a prospective employer, and could lose you a job you really want. Keep stuff off the internet, because it lives forever.

While SSRI’s (Selective Serotonin Receptor Antagonists) like citalopram (Celexa) are much safer and much more “suicide proof” than older antidepressants such as TCAs like imipramine …..No medicine (water pill or pain pill), or chemical (like big killer), or a physical object (like a rope or shotgun or steak knife) is “suicide proof”.Almost ANY medicine in sufficient overdose can kill fifty percent of people who ingest it (LD50 mandated by law on the specs for all approved meds in the US).Treatment decisions and genuine questions like the ones most people using a drug are answerable on Quora.Questions like this will make any professional shudder.But the simple answer, Quoran to Quoran, is YES, citalopram overdose can kill you.It will NOT get you out of depression faster.Just take the prescribed dose, and wait. It takes many weeks or a few months to get out of depression, with the best of medications combined with therapy.

I was just put on citalopram/celexa...?

I myself am on an SSRI called escitalopram (Lexapro). I have been diagnosed with Bipolar Type 2 which means i am more depressive than highly elevated mood. My psychiatrist thinks that I get the buzzing feeling from being on the SSRI because I am bipolar and we have talked about changing my medications around to a different type of drug. I get lots of symptoms on Lexapro. You really need to talk to your psychiatrist about it or if you don't have a psychiatrist you need to get one.

You need to just try the new medication for at least a month. These medications can take up to 6 weeks before you begin to feel normal again. It is up to you giving the medication a real go before you ask the psychiatrist to change you to something else. I was on my SSRI for 1.5years and then abruptly stopped taking it and by 8.5 months later i was having a major depressive episode and couldn't get out of bed. And by then i agreed to go back on an SSRI, and although it has its symptoms, the postitives need to be outwayed to the negatives. Depression or alert, buzzy and usually happy.hmm so i choose the SSRI, because its better than not being able to function. But there are other families of meds if you really cant handle SSRI's the only person you can talk to is your psychiatrist.

Would taking 5mg Valium and 20mg Celexa at the same time be okay?

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Valium is a benzodiazepine with a long half-life of 20-100 hours, metabolized by the liver, doses of 2-10 mg per dose from 2-4 times a day. As such it is not safe with high doses of paracetamol (Tylenol in the USA) taaken at the same time. Paracetamol is an analgesic, has a half life of 1-4 hours, and is also metabolized by the liver, safe dosage is 1,000 mg a single dose up to 4 times a day, or 2,000 mg max if drinking alcohol.. Acute overdoses of paracetamol can cause potentially fatal liver damage and, in rare individuals, a normal dose can do the same. Paracetamol toxicity is the foremost case of acute liver failure in the Western world, and accounts for most drug overdoses in the USA, UK, Australia and New Zealand. Lexapro is also metabolized in the Liver with a half-life of 27-32 hours, with 10 mg as average low dose (20 max).

What if i take 80mg of citalopram by accident i take 40 mg a day?

Not everyone is prescribed the same dose of citalopram.
A friend of mine has to take 60 mg a day, another takes 80 mg.
So don't worry, 80 mg is a safe amount, it won't cause any harm.
Citalopram does work as a mild sedative, so you might feel a bit more tired or drowsy than usual...

I hope I could put your mind at rest ;)

You risk your life. Years ago dosing as high as 60 mg per day was used. This was stopped for two reasons. 60 mg was no more effective than 40 mg, and 60 mg is high enough to alter the signals in the heart, possibly causing sudden death.I presume that you ask because 20 mg is not effective for you. Get in and talk with your physician to find an effective and safe treatment.

Why would you want to do this. It is not as if you can really get “high” from an SSRI and it won’t make you less depressed just because you start taking abnormally high doses. What it will definitely do is cause prolonged QT interval in your heart. What does that mean? Well it means that it will screw with the natural sinus rhythm of your heart. Specifically between the Q and T electrical waves which control depolarization and repolarization of the ventricles in your heart(the two big spaces in your heart where blood is pump through). A lengthened QT interval can cause sudden death due to an onset of severe tachycardia or tachyarrhythmias. Citlopram(Celexa) already has been know to cause dose-dependant prolonged QT intervals. No more than 40mg each day should be taken and that is a high. Now I’m not saying you would die if you took 200mg. Chances are you wouldn’t since these are medications designed to build up in the system after a couple weeks of taking them. But then again 200mg would be such a high dose that you may drop dead. It would probably depend on the condition of your heart and normal resting heart rate. I urge you not to do this. If you want to get “high” and feel less depressed for a time there are much better drugs for that. Might I suggest something like cocaine or even about 10–20mg of Adderall. If euphoria to fight depression is what your looking for. Of course you can’t keep that up for a long period of time either. It has bad consequences as well. A little xanax if you need to relax maybe. I shouldn’t really be suggesting drugs to get you high(then again I am by no means against occasional recreational drug use) but if that is your goal I believe these to harm reducing compared to an overdose of citlopram.Now you wouldn’t be trying to kill yourself(or thinking of ways to) would you? If that is the case stop and call someone who can and will help you. Someone you are close to would be the best place to start. And let me also say that killing yourself with citlopram is a bad idea, it is more likely to screw you up permanently than it will kill you. There are better ways to accomplish that too, however I will not list them here.I don’t know why you asked this question. My above ideas that you either want a high(or escape) or to kill yourself are simply conjecture because what you asked is a strange question really. Then again maybe you are just curious and that is okay. I hope that is the case.