Which Of These World Series Should I Write About Next

Whos winning in the world series right now?

The Yankees lead the series 3-1 but Philly is leading Game 5 by 6-1 at the bottom of the third

Which number should come next in the series: 1, 3, 11, 123?

I started by noticing that the difference between 11 and 123 required an interesting jump that would be muted in the previous differences. So I came up with factoring each of the numbers 3, 11, 123 in the progression looking for a way to jump from 11 to 123 and yet suppressing the jump from 1 to 3 and 3 to 11.I thus discovered I would need to square the preceding number to get the next in the sequence. For the number 11, I took the largest whole number factors (3x3) as a part of the square root of 11 while leaving a remainder to bridge the gap between 3 and 11 or in other words, where the bracket enclosure [x] denotes the floor function which signals a rounding down to the largest component integer, [(11)^1/2)] = 3. I did the same for 3 as [(3^1/2)] = 1. From there I factored 123 and my only whole numbers were 11x11 where [(123^1/2)]^2=121. Completing these numbers requires to add 2 to each as follows: 1x1 +2, 3x3 +2, 11x11 +2 and finally, 123x123 +2. From this I get the same solution as most everyone else.Further thought and I can see how each function from the example above is embedded in itself as follows:((((x^2 +2)^2 +2)^2 +2)^2 +2)^2 +2 …What I find even more interesting was some nights ago I was laying in bed thinking about things and my mind wandered into progressions and started to think about polynomials as a solution set.Now, as I write this I can see that y = ax^2 + bx + c could fit this well where a=1, b=0 and c=2 and x is any integer that starts the progression and each following integer for x is the previous solution value of y.Extending this polynomial approach, I can use ax^n + bx^(n-1) + cx^(n-2) + . . . + zx^0as a framework where each term’s coefficients and x and n are integers, to generate a sequence of numbers of high order resolving to an extremely difficult sequence of numbers to solve through intuition.Edit: Just so you understand the reason for all my musings, I am trying to reply to the above post by David Knutson, where he posses the question:“Is there a way to derive the pattern if you don’t start off with just seeing it?”To that end, I hope I have provided more light than smoke.

World Series of Poker - Taxes?

The poker winnings count as regular income.
Just like any other gambling wins or contest wins.
(If you don't believe me, just ask Richard Hatch, the guy who won $1,000,000 on Survivor, didn't report it on his taxes, and is now serving 4 years)

For 2006, the brackets are:

Less than $15,100 - 10%
$15,100 - $61,300 ---- $1,510 + 15% of the amount over $15,100
$61,300 - $123,700 ---- $8,440 + 25% of the amount over $61,300
$123,700 - $188,450 ---- $24,040 + 28% of the amount over $123,700
$188,450 - $336,550 ---- $42,170 + 33% of the amount over $188,450
Above $336,550 ---- $91,043 + 35% of the amount over $336,550.

So, lets say in his regular job, he earned $100,000 salary, then $12.5M at the WSOP.

His income is $12.51M. His taxes are $91,043 + 35% * (12.51M - $336,550) = $4,351,750.50

Which number should come next in this series: 10, 15, 19, 22, 24,...?

The answer of the series would be C. 10.Explanation: As we can see the difference is decreasing by progressively  1,2,3,4 and 5 .(I could have simply explained by in numerical term which is explained below. However, the only numerical explanation is being collapsed by Quora. So I have to write some blah..blah..blah..)The series would be like this 25-1=24 24-2=22 22-3=19 19-4=15 15-5=10With 10 being your answer.Hope the above answer would be helpful enough to understand the logic.Scrolling down is strictly prohibited..Ignore ..S1M1L4RLY, Y0UR M1ND 15 R34D1NG 7H15 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17. S1M1L4RLY, Y0UR M1ND 15 R34D1NG 7H15 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17. S1M1L4RLY, Y0UR M1ND 15 R34D1NG 7H15 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17. S1M1L4RLY, Y0UR M1ND 15 R34D1NG 7H15 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17. S1M1L4RLY, Y0UR M1ND 15 R34D1NG 7H15 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17. S1M1L4RLY, Y0UR M1ND 15 R34D1NG 7H15 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17. S1M1L4RLY, Y0UR M1ND 15 R34D1NG 7H15 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17. S1M1L4RLY, Y0UR M1ND 15 R34D1NG 7H15 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17. S1M1L4RLY, Y0UR M1ND 15 R34D1NG 7H15 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17. blah...blah..

Is the term "World Series" copyright protected by Major League Baseball?

no. The assertions to the "world series of poker" and those kinds of things are correct. Don't forget about the Little League and College World Series' as well.

Advertising might be a bit different. Alot of advertising I see with any reference at all to the World Series uses the logo designed by MLB. That is trademarked material. And, I also think that any reference to the College World Series, Little League World Series, MLB World Series - at least those three, are trademarked and if they're printed, must be noted so.

Who would win these world series scenarios? Round 1?

1.Cubs with a healthy rotation (Harden Zambrano) and healthy Soriano and Lee have a good chance to beat the Sox.
2.White Sox because Mets have no picthing when it matters and always lose in the playoffs.
3.Phillies have veterans and expiernce in the playoffs. Rays are a young unexpiernced team.
4.Angels are just a great and better overall team than St. Louis.

I have watched the world's top anime series. Which series should I watch next?

Lots of high ranked and awesome anime’s on this list, they’re all good, ive been watching anime for 6 years so you can trust me, that none of them are a waste of timeAnime List

When, and where, is the next ICC T20 World Cup?

LONDON: The World Twenty20 Championship's seventh edition next year is all set to be scrapped and pushed to 2020 as the top member nations will be busy with bilateral commitments in 2018.According to highly-placed sources in the International Cricket Council, the next edition ofICC World T2O will only be held in 2020. However, the venue is yet to be decided."Yes, it is true that we are skipping with WorldT20 edition in 2018 Look, no venue was decided. The primary reason is there are too many bilateral series happening between member nations. It was not possible to schedule the tournament in 2018," an influential ICC source told PTI about the development.However, in all likelihood the tournament will be returning in 2020."Yes, the tournament will return in 2020. It could be South Africa or Australia. The other reason apart from the bilateral series was that with too many ICC events on the anvil, the member nations were also of the view that it needed to be spaced out," the source said.The previous ICC World T20s have been held in South Africa (2007), England (2009), West Indies (2010), Sri Lanka (2012), Bangladesh (2014), India (2016).It was also clear that with almost all the member boards having their own franchise-based T20 leagues, the World T20 despite its popularity, won't lose out on anything.The other reason is bilateral series being a money spinner for all nations with major riches coming through broadcast deals.Especially, if India tours any nation, the host member board earns millions of dollars through TV broadcast rights.Would it not be a setback for ICC if World T20 is not held? The source said: "Not at all. There are enough T20 leagues and the fans will have a lot to look forward to."The Indian team is set to be on the road for the better part of next year starting with South Africa tour, followed by away series against England and Australia respectively.As of now, the next Champions Trophy scheduled in 2021 in India is still on.

Which of these World Series matchups is most likely to happen: Subway Series or Crosstown Classic?

This year I think a Crosstown Classic is more likely - the Yankees might be playing well right now, but I don't think they have the guns this year to get it done (Ponson? Sexson? Those might pay off in the short run, but they're also moves that scream desperation).

The Cubs, I think, are the best team in baseball right now and the White Sox are playing very well for the most part. Being the best team during the regular season doesn't guarantee a World Series, but I still think those two have a better chance of making it than the New York teams.

Just my opinion.

What is the next number in the following series, 9, 27, 81?

There are an infinite number of series which begin with these terms.   But given that fact, the intent of the question must be:  What is the least complicated description of the series which begins with the terms 9, 27, 81, and has (at least one more term/an infinite number of terms)?And then we only have to define complicated!  One choice for defining complexity is Kolmorgorov complexity, the (in general incomputable) number of characters in the shortest Turing machine description which generates the series.  A less clear-cut definition of complexity would be the number of characters, in the shortest function which generates the series.   But  there are lots of definitions of mathemetical notation; that's one reason Turing invented TMs.We can compromise between the two by choosing a particular programming language, C say, and defining the complexity of the series as the number of characters in the shortest function which prints the series.  This is actually computable, since we can step through every possible combination of characters up to main(){while(1)puts("9,27,81,");}If this last is actually the shortest C function, then under this definition of complexity the answer is 9.Some candidate C functions for which the next term is 243 include:main(){for(int i=3;i++;)puts(itoa(i*=3));}main(){for(int i=3;i++;)printf("%d,",i*=3);}but they are both longer.